Social enterprises are those organizations with both social and business opportunities. They can be for-profit and nonprofit. In today’s social enterprises, you rely heavily on social media to make things happen.
This means you maximize the trends and opportunities of social media to enable profits for your business. Over the years, social enterprises have been skyrocketing, with nearly everyone punctuating the internet with remarkable business ideas. Yet, the ideas keep growing over each other, displacing and substituting as ease becomes the new watchword.
Social enterprises are in types. Trading enterprises have risen with the advent of e-commerce. Financial enterprises are booming with foreign exchange as the world leans more into a global village. Community enterprises pervade art and humanities, connecting people in the current age of exclusion and individuation. Lastly, charities are doing the work of humanity, helping to lift humans out of their state of helplessness, providing hope and aids. This said, checking the opinions of entrepreneurs on ReviewsBird.com, these 4 social enterprises generally stood out from the rest.
1. E-Learning
Simply defined, e-learning is the delivery of education or learning services or even financial services through digital resources such as digital materials or courses, hosted on digital platforms, connected to by digital devices. This social enterprise is the result of the growing demand for internet, with mobile and desktop devices rising concurrently to meet the demand. There are sub-enterprises under e-learning that are themselves awesome and profitable. These include enterprises such as course writing and selling, e-learning development, e-learning facilitation, and so on.
2. Dropshipping
This is a streamlined aspect of e-commerce. This form of retail business characterizes online marketing and business. Popular because it requires zero or little capital to begin. It works this way. A seller accepts orders from a buyer but does not sell the goods directly to the buyer. Instead, the seller forwards the orders to a manufacturer with delivery details. The manufacturer receives the orders and delivers to the address given. This means the seller works as an agent or marketer for the manufacturer, connecting both buyers and consumers.
3. Freelance Business
The gig economy as a social enterprise is in demand. Shaped by the outbreak of the pandemic, remote work only has emphasized the need to begin or join the freelance social enterprise. A freelance business is a business where the freelancer is the manager of his job. It works through contract works, often including writing, building, and consulting services. Starting your freelance business requires only time and efforts, backed by effective planning. There are many ways to go about it but you first need to understand how it works.
4. Financial Enterprise
You can dive into foreign exchange, start a cooperative business, or kick off your enterprise with microlending. Any of the listed enterprises you choose to begin with, there are several other enterprises you can choose from. The financial enterprise is diverse with trends, gaps, and opportunities waiting to be explored.
These four social enterprises are not the only ones, but they are awesome and exciting prospects if you are looking at starting a social enterprise.